Please allow me to do a little dance, a little jig, and express my thanks to everyone here in the Dorico forum for your help! I’m finally getting my first “real world” (i.e., not written for a computer to play exclusively) piece of music published, and it’s thanks to Dorico Pro and everyone behind that it’s going to happen!
The work in question is my Horn Sextet, “Bohemian Galop,” written for a competition called the Southeast Horn Workshop Horn Ensemble Competition Contest in 2024. It didn’t win, I’m sad to say, but that didn’t deter me from pressing on with it. I submitted it to the International Horn Society for publication via their Online Music Sales portal. And wouldn’t you know it, but a couple of days ago, I got an email saying their committee had accepted it for publication! Woo hoo!
They’re still working on the details, so it’s not on the site yet, but if and when it does go up, I’ll finally be a real-world published author! I’m so excited I can hardly keep it in. Thank you to everyone who helped me to write the piece in Dorico Pro 5! I really do appreciate your help!!!
Now, if you missed it the first time around, here’s the NotePerformer rendition of “Bohemian Galop,” as posted on YouTube. Thank you once again!!!