Question about guitar tab in Dorico for ipad

Hi, I currently use Musescore to convert files in standard notation to tab. It works but is not intuitive.
I am tempted by the lifetime unlock offer for Dorico for iPad and wanted to know if it is able to convert notation to tab?
I am not interested in writing tablature from scratch, only converting from existing standard notation.

Yes, it can do this: once you have written your notation on a fretted instrument, you can go to the Players page of Layout Options and specify that tablature should be shown alongside (or instead of) staff notation.

You can try this out without requiring the Lifetime Unlock in-app purchase: this is all possible in the base (free) functionality of the app.

Great thanks Daniel.
Can I then edit the tab if I don’t like the fingering that Dorico automatically generates?

Yes, you can.

Thanks for your quick reply!
One other question - can Dorico generate a score from a photo of a score?
My goal is to take a sheet of paper music in standard notation and have it converted to tab in order to help my son who is playing bass guitar in his school orchestra but only gets given sheet music in standard notation.

Not directly:
you need a software that can scan a picture or a pdf of your score, and produce an XML file, that you can then import into Dorico for further editing.

Here a recent review of the most popular softwares to do that:

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One final question. I like to handwrite score using my Apple Pencil (good when travelling/in bed, etc).
I understand Dorico doesn’t support this but I have Notion for iPad which does.
Anyone know if I can I export a file from Notion into Dorico?

Export an XML from Notion (if it supports XML export*) and import it in Dorico.

*Edit: it does: