Question about playback end offset

While working on the rendering of a guitar piece, I’m manipulating playback end offsets to add body to the sound (sustain of ringing notes and ringing to open strings)
the question:
what is the exact values in “offset ticks” of a quarter note?



480 ticks per quarter note.

thanks Rob

Rob, I don’t doubt that you’re correct, but how do you know that? I can’t seem to find anything about it in the documentation.

I think figured it out by experimenting with the start and end properties in playback. If the information came from somebody in Steinberg, I can’t remember who or when.

Working backwards, if you search for “480 ticks” there are several references including one from Daniel - and unsurprisingly Dorico is consistent with Cubase.

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Ah. Well, thanks. Helpful.

Cubase can have a much greater Midi resolution than PPQ 480.
In the MIDI settings of Cubase you can set the Midi display resolution with any value from 60 Ticks to 1000 Ticks per 1/16.
It means from PPQ 240 to PPQ 4000.

In the MIDI Export dialog from Cubase you can also specify a MIDI resolution between 24 and 960 for the MIDI file.
BTW in this Midi Export Dialog it is not clearly mentioned wether these resolution values are for 1/16 or for quarter notes.

I have no idea which resolution Dorico is using.

Dorico uses 480, as Rob states above.

This is the closest thread I could find to this subject: In Dorico 3.5.10, I need to find out how to create a negative track delay in order to get VST instruments to playback with the metronome click. I found a “playback start option” but that can only be applied to each note. This is a common feature in Cubase, is it handled some other way in Dorico? Regards.

Welcome to the forum, gwkean. I’m afraid at the moment there’s no way to offset an entire track. Can you say a bit more about your specific requirement? Is the click also being generated by Dorico? If so, then you should find that playback and the click are already perfectly aligned.

Is gwkean really talking about input latency? If so, I think Dorico already has ways to work with that unless it’s a hardware problem, but not necessarily after the notes have been entered…