Hi guys.
When I double click an empty area, in the montage, WL will automatically highlight that track from beginning to… marker, end, etc.
Anyway to turn that off?
When I need to highlight I use shift+curser. Seems to be good for me.
No biggie, just wondering.
Thank you!!
A single click select the track, so does a double-click, but not “highlight that track from beginning to… marker” (to quote you).
Hence, what do you exactly mean? (add some screen shot)
Sure, yeah…
The area on track 2 is what I’m talking about… double click and whatever track I double click on gets highlighted. Was wondering if there’s any way to turn that off ?
While I have you…
When I render a bunch of clips…
You can see I name it, set destination, choose file type…etc. and RENDER.
I need to make adjustments like, level, fade, maybe there’s a click or something I need to remove etc… I hit SAVE again and the mp3 encoder pops up, I have to make adjustments again, Lame, 320, stereo…
Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a way to save the file without having to go through the encoder?
Or, is it possible to get a “use last setting” on the encoder? I dunno?
Thank you!!!
Hmm… what WaveLab version are you using? I can’t reproduce that.
Anyway, why do you double-click there?
A mp3 file, once edited, needs to be re-encoded.
Your mistake is to work with mp3 files at the 1st place, rather than with PCM files (you should do the mp3 encoding as a real final stage).
12.0.51 (Build 15) -x64
Where I double click is none of your business, mister!!
It happens on a single click as well but, it’s random?
Maybe it’s a mouse thing? I’ll keep looking…
A mp3 file, once edited, needs to be re-encoded.
Your mistake is to work with mp3 files at the 1st place, rather than with PCM files (you should do the mp3 encoding as a real final stage).
Yeah, I’m not a fan of MP3’s but, That’s what I’m required to send them so…I do it.
Still, might me cool to have a “save” or “use last setting” button? someday… maybe
Thank you for the help!!
When you edit an existing Audio File Format, you can save your settings as a new preset for quick later use.
Also, when you do Save As from the Audio Editor, right next to the Format selector you have the checkbox “Keep This Format for Next Use”.
As for the double-clicking, it is just another way to make a selection on a track (between the beginning of the montage and a marker or between two markers), so there is probably no way to disable this.
If you think the selection is somewhat random, either check your mouse settings (at least on Windows you can adjust the speed at which two mouse clicks are recognized as double-click, I don’t know on Mac), or your left mouse button might have a defect
To disable/enable this, user has to “Save As” again. Can this disable and enable be possible without having to save? This was Independent before and was helpful to disable any setting created before.
No, you don’t have to actually save a new file. You can toggle the setting at will, although it seems like whatever format you selected will remain for that specific opened file, unless you change the format and setting again.
Selecting a range with a single click means the Shift key is pressed. Could it be the case?
Of course, but this is not what I tried to tell you. I said, work with WAV files until you have finished editing everything, then convert them to mp3 before sending them to your client.
Can you see difference from previous clip?
Hmm, yes with the active preference Open Quick File Selector When Saving Files this setting is not persistent, when you cancel or close the pop-up window. You can still set it via File → Save As though. I guess this is inconsistent.
This is only interesting when you have a single WAV to render to MP3
Converting WAVs to MP3s should better be done through the Rendering system, as this allows eg. to convert multiple files at the same time, typically, all selected clips, or all title, etc.
Yes, it is
I’m aware (and of course not only MP3), although personally I don’t export anything other than PCM WAV from WaveLab. I only use Save As to create a separate new WAV file after some edits (to keep the original file), or to create a WAV file from a decoded file in the first place.
For many files there is Batch Conversion.
Thank you all for your help!!
Turns out, my first problem was my trackball! I’ve been using the Kensington Expert mouse/trackball for 25 years…finally got one with issues.
Switched it out, works perfectly.
Second problem? not really a problem… All great ideas and I learned a thing or two… Thank you.