Question for Cubase + Wavelab users mixing at high SR's?

When do you guys down sample to 44.1?

  1. In Cubase when you audio export/mixdown?

2 In Wavelab using the Crystal Resampler, which I’ve read is very good?

  1. It doesn’t matter, either option is just as good?

Thanks to anybody with insight/experience/information.

Why do you nned to start a 2nd thread abou the same topic…?

Samplerate reduction as second last step and bit size reduction/dither as very last step.

Thanks guys.

Sorry for the redundancy. Too much on my mind lately.

Btw, I prefer to use the offline version of the Crystal Sampler in Wavelab (of course second to last as Split said). The plug-in can cause problems if you play a track and then change to another sample rate.

Thanks Bane.