Question for Mackie Control users (QC, Remote Control Editor)

Hi there, first time poster here :slight_smile:

Just a quick question: When you hit shift+master (or shift+instrument, I’m not sure which one is correct) to access the quick controls and remote parameters for a vst instrument, is there any kind of visual feedback in Cubase itself when you scroll through the pages and parameters on the Mackie Control?

What I mean is the function described here:

Is there anything popping up in Cubase?

I’m asking because I try to build a controller using the MCU protocol and I’m not sure if Cubase provides any visual feedback in this case. Couldn’t find anything on youtube, unfortunately.

Thanks in advance

Nope (if I correctly understand the question).

Are you trying to build a hardware controller?

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Thanks for your answer!

Yes, I’m trying to build a hardware controller with an arduino, using the MCU protocol and I was planning to use displays to show the values of the remote parameters. So that you have 8 encoders and 8 displays plus some buttons to step through the pages for exactly the function described in the screenshot above.

Ah, this is a bit different story. If you just want that Cubase sends to your controller feedback, then the answer is yes, it does send sysex messages containing track names, control names and values, etc.

That being said, if you plan to create your controller JUST for use with Cubase, you may want to try the midi remote. There are already some scripts in this forum, which you can have a look at, while it is also possible to create your own, and send your very own structured sysex messages to Arduino containing all the info you want, the way you want :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

My question and later explanation might have been a bit confusing :sweat_smile:

I was asking about popups and such in Cubase because I’m not yet able to figure out how to get the value changes to be read on the Arduino/MCU controller. So I’m flying blind while trying to make the button/encoder commands work.
If there was something popping up in Cubase, I would at least know that I’m sending the right commands.

And also thanks for mentioning the scripts. I just learned about that today. Of course I know the Midi Remote GUI in Cubase, but I didn’t know that there seems to be a way to send stuff from Cubase to be displayed on a controller’s display (?) … if I got that right? :sweat_smile:

Some time ago, I’ve created a small utility for getting the display messages for mackie implementation, exactly for debugging purposes.

Are you using B4R or another lang for Arduino? I’m asking because my utility is written in B4J so if you’re familiar with it, I can share the source. If not, I can share a jar (java) file.

Here are some screenshots we get when properly connecting a virtual midi port to a mackie out:

As you can see in the second screenshot, we properly get the names of the tracks in our project. If now, your controller is properly sending the commands for instrument/sends etc, the display will be updated accordingly.

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Thanks so much!
I’m using the regular arduino IDE. I have to confess I have no idea which language this is and have never used B4R. Looks like this is something for people who actually know what they’re doing? :sweat_smile:
But with the help of Pieter, who made the MCU library for Arduino (GitHub - tttapa/Control-Surface: Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.) , I could make some progress:

I can see what I’m doing and it’s working as I hoped it would.
Now, as far as I understand, I have to divide the messages to 7 character snippets and separate the upper and lower text lines to (somehow) send them to the displays.
I have no idea how to do it yet, but it looks very promising.

But, regarding the Steinberg scripts:
I have only seen scripts for existing (commercialy available) hardware controllers and I have no idea yet how complex the scripting would be for a DIY controller, like for instance something made with an arduino.
Do you think it’s comparable to an arduino project using a somewhat extensive library?
And do you think the scripts are preferable, if the controller is only used for Cubase?

Well, if you design your controller to be a perfect match for a mackie, i.e. all the faders/knobs/buttons sending the exact messages a mackie sends, and then if you have your displays properly interpreting the sysex messages involved (the log you provided shows that this is the case) then there are already scripts in this forum based on the mcu implementation and you can give them a try and even tweak them afterwards. And this is the diff with having a mackie device in your setup. The further customization. During this phase, there are users around that may help. But first you have to finish your controller, and I would be really glad to see it :slight_smile:

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Oh, I see.
This would of course be great for any multi purpose controller.
I really have to take a deeper look into the scripting possibilities.

For now, I only wanted to have this one trick pony to control the instrument parameters. So the controller will most probably not be too much to look at. Only 8 encoders, 8 displays and a couple of buttons in a plastic enclosure. I’ll be happy to share the result when it’s done.

I got it basically working now, the displays show what they’re supposed to show. It’s a bit sluggish right now, but maybe that’s the sketch. I’ll have to go over it tomorrow.

Thanks for your interest and your expertise, highly appreciated :slight_smile:


Doing great already from what I see!

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Ground control to Major Tom… :wink: