Question? (Move Music to Other Staff)

Dear Doricoërs,

How can i shift the measures from the Trumpet 1 to Trumpet 2. Ofcourse i know you can do it by to making a copy and then paste it. But there must be an easier way?

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Select the things you want to move and use the command Alt/Opt+M, which is Move to the staff below. (Or use N to move to the staff above).


Or if you want to just copy the music, select it and Alt+click at the rhythmic position you want it to go.


Selecting: if you mean the complete trumpet part, in Write mode, click in the first measure on the stave somewhere (to select all of its contents), then Edit > Select to End of Flow (or whatever option from the choices). I usually use key commands for Copy/Cut/Paste, but you are finding doing these too difficult?

I think direct key commands for “Move to the staff below” are preferable in this situation.

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Yes but, in this case, won’t the music remain attached to the staff of trumpet 1 ?
I understand that our friend wanted to transfer the trumpet 1 part to the trumpet 2 part.
In that case, wouldn’t Cut/paste be the most efficient thing to do (and not very time-consuming) ?

No. The move version (Alt-M/N) really does move!

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OK. This is not then the same result as in a Piano score (grand staff) ?

One needs to distinguish between pressing (for example) M and pressing ALT/OPT + M. They are two different operations.


Both M/N and Alt-M/N will work on a grand staff. But you cannot have cross-staff notes (M/N) between two different instruments.

you can if they are different instruments held by the same player.
I have a percussionist playing both snare and woodblocks, and going back and forth rapidly, which means the part uses cross-staff notation for some rhythms.

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My original thinking was I did not have to remember another key command since I already knew them for cut/paste, which work from any stave to any other. For me, it is sometimes too much to learn/remember at once :slight_smile:

You don’t need to learn anything new.
N is for cross-stave up.
M is for cross-stave down.
This works for grand staff instruments.
With the modifiers you’ll get
Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-N for duplicate to stave above.
Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-M for duplicate to stave below.
Alt-N for move to staff above.
Alt-M for move to staff below.

Which means, you’ll only need to remember N for up and M for down.
You could use a mnemonic: Think N (north=up) and M (mud?=down).

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I’m not sure those are all default shortcuts.


Oh yes, it’s possible I made them up. They do feel quite comfortable and easy to remember.

Yes, possibly the Ctrl/Cmd-Shift ones.


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Yes, those Duplicate to staff… commands are not default.

I’m almost certain there are no default key commands for these.

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I tried to set this, but get the message, that it’s already used in a global context. It doesn’t tell me which command, and it doesn’t work when I set it.

Ctrl-Shift-N works fine.
Anyone ?

Hi @Mads_Vinding,
I personally use (on Mac) Command(Control)+Option(Alt)+ M and N, for duplicating to staff below and above. (don’t remember if I needed to overwrite some already used key Command)

It doesn’t work here on Windows.
Does anyone know, what <control< <alt< M is assigned to ?