Questions about upgrading from Cubase Elements 11 to Cubase Pro 12

I’m currently running Cubase Elements 11 on a Windows 10 laptop. I’m considering upgrading to Cubase 12 Pro (perhaps I’ll do the 30 day free trial to start with). However, I have some questions I’d like to ask about upgrading:

  1. First of all, in the Steinberg Download Assistant when I open the ‘My Product Downloads’ section, I see ‘Cubase Pro 12’ listed (the trial version, which I have yet to download), then a list of what needs to be installed on the right hand side. I notice the option next to each thing on the list is ‘Install’. Does that mean they’ve already been downloaded (and if so, where to - my computer or Steinberg’s cloud storage area), or does ‘Install’ mean they will be both downloaded and installed?

  2. At the top left of the Steinberg Download Assistant it says ‘Enter your Download Access Code’. Do I need to do this for downloading/installing the trial version of Pro 12? I haven’t received this code I don’t think.

  3. If I keep Elements 11 on my computer, do I need to install everything on the list for the upgrade to Pro 12? I mean, I see things listed which are already installed for Elements 11, .e.g. Halicon Sonic SE, Groove Agent 5, etc? Do these need to installed again for Pro 12? Then again, I think Elements 11 might have Halicon Sonic SE 3, whereas there’s now a version 3.5.

  4. What happens to the projects I’ve created in Cubase Elements 11 - will these open ok in Cubase 12 Pro? What about effect presets I’ve saved in Elements 11 - will these be able to be opened in Pro 12?

  5. If I were to uninstall Elements 11, is it best to do this before or after installing Pro 12? I mean, if I were to uninstall it before upgrading to Pro 12, would I lose all the things like Halicon Sonic, Groove Agent 5 etc and have to install them again?

  6. In the Steinberg Download Assistant, on the left hand side underneath the ‘Cubase’ option, there are other things listed e.g. ‘Sounds & Loops’, ‘VST Instruments & Plugins’, ‘Spectralayers’ etc. Are these also included with Cubase 12 Pro, or are they separate (and paid for separately)?

Cubase 11 and 12 work independently so both can be installed/uninstalled at any time.
The download code is if you buy a new product.
the only files needed to run are marked (required) - the rest in the Pro folder is optional but included when buying Pro 12.

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