Questions concerning Cubase AI License


I’m going to get Steinberg UR22 Audio Interface. If I’m right, I’ll get a downloadable version
of Cubase AI along the interface. What are the differences between Cubase AI and Cubase
Essential 5 I’m used before?

Cubase Essential 5 used an USB-eLicenser so I think I can install the software in several
computers and just connect the dongle to the computer I use the software. But in this case,
Cubase AI uses Soft-eLicenser if I’m right.
Can I install Cubase AI in two computers and somehow use Soft-eLicenser so that I get
Cubase AI started in the computer I’m using? Does Steinberg UR22 work with Cubase Essential 5?

Any help will be appreciated. Thank You! :smiley:


The AI license can be put on either a Soft E-Licenser or a USB key. If you want to use the product on multiple computers placing the license on the key would be best.

The UR22 will work with Essential 5. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

Thank you

Ok, Thank You :smiley: