Quit without saving hotkey?

So Ctrl Q quits Wavelab - but you then get the prompt asking you whether you really want to quit without saving changes -which then takes a first mouse click and enter key.

Is there a hot key just to quit without saving, bypassing the ‘are you sure’ pop-up window?

I know why it’s been implemented the way it has (to avoid quitting without saving) but for my work flow, I don’t want to keep saving changes, as all I am doing is replacing the clips in a montage with new mixes, processing loudness of all clips (shift M) and then rendering the montage (Ctrl Enter) with a master FX chain.
I don’t want to save any changes as I don’t want cumulative loudness changes on clips to build up over numerous saves when I’m only updating one clip at a time as I work though mixes in Cubase then assemble into the Wavelab montage.

No. You can navigate that with the keyboard.