I may be searching incorrectly but I find no previous information on why the “rall.” gradual temp change increases metronome timing at its beginning before slowing over time. Why and how do I keep this from happening, please?
I will add that both rit. and rall. do this. Dorico 5.1…70.2200 MacOS Sequoia, M1PRO MBP. I’ve searched playback options and techniques as well as properties for something that affects this but I find nothing. Please help!
Do you have other tempo changes in the vicinity, such as any kind of fermata, caesura? Maybe another gradual tempo change overlapping? This sort of thing happens usually when there is some kind of battle happening between other tempo changes. You can usually clarify this by showing signposts and/or going to the tempo track under the Play tab > key editor, and see what automation exists. A rall typically will look as expected, a simple line slowing down, but other conflicts might be creating weird automation jumps in the tempo, which you could then delete from there.
Failing that I would recommend uploading that snippet from your project and perhaps someone can look into it.
I did not have any other tempo changes nearby. I just created a new flow and copied only the notes into the new flow and it worked fine. I can’t imagine what caused that to happen. I was aware of how rall. and rit. would interact unfavorably with fermatas and the like but this stymied me and I’m pretty good at troubleshooting. Anyway, I deleted the errant flow. If it happens again, I’ll post the file here. Thanks, again!
So, I’m probably going to incur some wrath for asking this but: does Dorico Pro 5 have any capability like Finale does for clearing all of the MIDI data for a file? I’m not finding such a thing but I may just be missing it. There are options to delete automations for selections, instruments or all but that didn’t seem to do anything. Just curious. Finale’s clear MIDI option cleaned up a lot of errant MIDI messages around things like rallentandos, dynamics, etc.
IIRC using the Silence playback template gets rid of all CC content. But that would not work for the Tempo track I suppose.
I’ll check that out next time I run into a CC issue. Of course, I am assuming that rallentando and other tempo variations are using CC commands in the first place.
Yes, but they are not “created” by expression maps, hence the “no correlation means no action”…
Clearing out all MIDI date would take out notes and everything else, so that is clearly not what you want.
I recall the Finale function you reference. You say that tempo increases at the start of a ritard or rallantando, am I correct? What does the key editor show; I do not see this happening in mine, but I may be missing something.
Hi @kasky1,
you could Select All > Filter (Deselect only)/Notes and rests > Suppress Playback (that will then be applied only for the remaining selected items, and leaves just the notes and chords playback):
I deleted that flow after copying and pasting the notation into a new flow so I cannot check that again for certainty but I seem to recall that it demonstrated what one would expect - a gradual decrease in tempo. BTW, removing all MIDI data in Finale reset all MIDI CCs to zero by my understanding. The next time it was played in Finale, it applied the expressions and any other CCs entered through other means as they were encountered during playback. I could be wrong but I believe this is what it did because it corrected issues I had with CCs in Finale.