re-installing cubase 10.0.50 windows pro64

After finding a few issues not working basically around groove agent SE which included a lot of missing files and the apparent failure display of my Loops and samples in media I have decided to try to reinstall cubase.

To those ends I have downloaded the package but as yet have not installed, the MSI package identified the existing installation and refused to go any further without I first remove it. I have seen posts on here referring to installations via the exe file as administrator.

Could someone advise me further on this please or a least point me in the general right direction, would removing the existing also affect other installed packages and VST’s or would it just in the main remove cubase 10.050 solely?

Thanks for your time and advice



To remove the application or the content, use common Windows Uninstaller.

To install it back, make sure you:

  • Download the Full Installer.
  • Unpack the ZIP file and install from the unpacked folder.
  • Install from the Setup.exe file.
  • Install as administrator.