I’m looking to know how to rewrite the CC Expression lines of notes of an instrument without losing the lines or notes already recorded without having to simply delete the lines area I want to rewrite. Thanks.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
You can use the Note Expression Step Input, which is part of the Step Input in Key Editor and ask other MIDI editors.
Theres no way to do this on the fly in Cubase 12?
In this image i show whats happen.
From the screenshot it looks, you are not talking about the Note Expression, but the MIDI CCs.
OK, yes you can override the MIDI CCs without overriding the MIDI Notes. In the Preferences > Record > MIDI > Replace Recording in Editors, enable the Controller options, please.
Ive already do this but not work even i use other midi configs that are in the botton of cubase.
its crasy thing. Its a bug?
Do you record in the editor?
Yup. Let’s say I’m recording a melody with an instrument, violins for example, so if the instrument’s expressiveness isn’t good, I like to re-record only the MIDI CCs. This is the point but it seems that there is something wrong with my recording process. In another DAW like Studio One I can record only midi ccs without erasing or creating another take to paste or overwrite. I think Cubase is different at this point.
My question is, of you record on the editor or in the Project window. How do you trigger the Record, please?
Normally I press the REC button on the transport bar and record in the editor.
Set the MIDI Record Mode at the bottom left of the project window to Replace.
In the Preferences, under Record → MIDI set the Replace Recording in Editors Option to “Controller”.
Double click the MIDI part to make sure that Record in Editor is enabled.
Now, when you hit record, only MIDI CCs will be replaced. New MIDI notes will be recorded in the existing part without replacing existing notes.
Then you don’t record to the editor. The focus switches to the Project window and you record to the Project window. You have to use the Jay Command or any Remote Device
Thanks Martin.
Is there a way to do this on multiple parts at once?
I can only get it to work with the “active” midi part…
I’m afraid this is not possible, sorry.
Okay - would it be possible to have this as a feature request?
When having multiple orchestral tracks, it would really speed things up if one could rewrite the cc of multiple tracks at once.
Add the optional feature-request tag to your post, please.
It is weird that even if you record in the editor, you need both the preference change AND the “midi record mode” to be in “replace”. Up until now I was sure that “midi replace mode” is only relevant for recording the project window, since none of the options seem to be relevant for recording inside the key editor. (and indeed, they don’t matter until you turn that option in the preference on).
I would expect that preference to always apply in the key editor. What if I want this on but I still want “record new parts” when I record in the project window?
Hey, summarizing the solution for any future readers: (feel free to mark as a solution)
- Change MIDI Record Mode to “Replace”
- In preference > Record > MIDI > “Replace Recording in Editors” select “Controller”.
- Open the key editor of the event you want to record over.
- Turn on “Record in Editor” (top left)
- Record in the Key Editor using a key command (i.e.
NumPad *
) or MIDI control (not via the on screen transport).
cc Controls will be overridden.
Sadly there is no way to do it with more than one part at the time. Which I agree is a big miss and could come very handy!
Today you can open many parts in the key editor but you can’t record in the key editor for all of them.
As a workaround for this, maybe you can create a logical editor action that deletes your cc events, so you can quickly do it for all of your events, and then use “merge” to record over them.
The best way I found is to play the part and move the cc while playing and if it sounded good the click the option of “insert retrospective recording” on the top left in the key editor.