Hello, I am a new Dorico Pro user and have just switched from Sibelius. I am a pianist who writes and transcribes a lot of piano music. When I input music on the MIDI keyboard using the real-time feature, Dorico automatically separates my music into multiple voices (SATB type?), which creates notation requiring lots of tedious rework. Is there a way to turn off all these voices or consolidate these multiple voices into one voice per clef so it is simpler and more readable for a pianist. Sibelius does a good job of this and I am concerned that I may need to go back to that, or maybe do my real-time input in Sibelius and then export the MusicXML to Dorico. I would think that many composers would have a preference for simpler notation. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dave
Hi @Dave_Anderson, and welcome to the Forum and to Dorico.
Can you upload just an example of the result of your recording? There are some neat functionalities in Dorico to polish the recording as desired, and I can show you some of them on your Project example, if you wish so.
The most useful functions for such things are:
Change Voice (right click > Voices > Change Voice)
Edit Duration from menu Write.
and of course Requantize, from Edit menu
you can also use the Key Editor, that you can also visualise from within Write mode, to edit the Displayed Durations (and also the played Durations)
Here an example on how to use some of them:
Here also useful official Videos by Anthony Hughes :
and :
Christian, Thanks so much for responding. I am traveling at the moment, but I will check out the videos and send you an example next week. Thanks again, Dave
Hi Christian, As requested, I have attached two examples of my real-time MIDI input. One is more syncopated and one is slower, more like a hymn. I haven’t touched up these files yet, since I assumed you wanted to see them “raw”. I will also start exploring the editing techniques you mention in your message. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dave
NF Dorico Test 2 Slow.dorico (825 KB)
IV Dorico Test 1 Synco.dorico (879 KB)
Hi @Dave_Anderson, as an exercise I polished your nice Impro (Test2), using the techniques described above, and upload the result.
First flow is the original, second flow is the edited (I tried to maintain for 98% the played durations (only in bar 9 I had to adjust it slightly):
NF Dorico Test 2 Slow-POLISHED.dorico (852.8 KB)
Very impressive, and much more readable! You’ve inspired me to work a bit harder on the techniques you’ve described. Thanks so much for your help! Dave