I have a lead sheet with a segno that was kind of high up above a rehearsal mark. It led to systems being spaced unevenly, with the gap with the segno larger than the rest. I adjusted the position of the segno to my taste, but of course engrave doesn’t care, so it leaves all other spaced 15.1mm except the one with the adjusted segno at 21.7mm.
Is there an easy way to get them spaced uniform or at least close to uniform now that the segno is low enough to not cause the oversized gap? Or do I have to just manually fiddle with each until they’re pretty even?
This I also dislike quite a bit…
If you don’t care about playback, you can shift the segno to the right in Write Mode, which will fix the spacing, and then adjust to taste in Engrave!
Hi B.,
that’s a nice workaround for the segno – assuming you don’t want to play back your music …
And: It doesn’t work for coda signs, because they produce clefs and key signs.
Most of the “I done it in pen, honest” text fonts have additional characters to create the sides and top/bottom of text boxes around other letters. I presume you would have to add them as prefix and suffixes to the marks.