Rearranging instrument order


I currently have a score with 7 cello parts. I would like to add a new part, but it should be inserted after part 5 and be named “Cello 6,” shifting the other parts accordingly. “Cello 6” would become 7, and “Cello 7” would become 8.

I’m struggling to do this easily. I used “Duplicate Player” from Cello 5, but it inserts a “Cello 8” at the end of the list. I tried reordering the players, but the names of the players are no longer correct…

I can exchange the musical content in the score between staves, but i have to do it several times, which isn’t very straightforward.
Is there a more practical solution?

Thank you in advance,

Hi @olivier_gailly,
(If you renamed the Instruments/Players manually, undo this.)
When you create the duplicate cello Player (no matter which one you duplicate, since only the instrument definition will be duplicated, and the new cello will be automatically renamed as cello8 and put at the bottom), just drag it to the desired position (this will override the automatic renumbering). Then from menu Setup, choose Reset Instrument names to reestablish the automatic numbering from up to bottom.

Here the workflow:


thx a lot !

i have done it and renamed instrumentists. all is ok now !
i knew it was easy… but i admit as a new user, sometimes it’s hard to find the solution in all the menus…

Olivier, I have to admit, I use Dorico since version 1 and I have never known this. So I learnt something today. Dorico is full of surprises- and @Christian_R is quite often the one who opens these little presents :gift: for us.