I tried to use reconform on many projects for the last years. It would be so so wonderful if it would work ! but i think this is way to ambitious.
Not to critic steinberg here.I don’t know if that would ever work because of aaaall what’s involved in video editing.
you can ask editor to be very very carefull not to rename rush, make sure edl are updated at each version try to keep up with anything that could maximize your chances to make reconform work there’s always a change you’r not aware of.
i tried again on this movie that is reedited for a new broadcast. i can’t even use anything from reconfrom. i thought maybe some bit here and there. nothing. i have to manually scan my stems and try to find all like this.
so … depending on “oh we had another editor and probably the rush have been relabeled” or “oh this new editor is actually on premiere not avid (changed labels)” or “hey this edl starts at 10h, the other one at 1h… no wait the 2pop is wrong so the offset is blabla…” and what i got today : “oh yeah but we added some commercial breaks and anyway we reedited all the movie from that version to 42min changing sequences order we forgot to keep and edl of that and… good luck now”
it never ever works. Well it does if the editor is in your studio and you supervise that all versions and that edl have all the tracks needed etc…
Do you guys have this working ? do you send some sort of to do list to the editor so you make sure reconform works ?
what type of rules should we ask for ?