Is there a possibility to change the path for the function “Record Main Output to local folder”?
I’d like to run the system from an internal Drive and record the main output on an external drive.
I don’t find a “setting” to change that path…if possible at all?
Another question:
Is there a shortcut for the function “record main output” so that I might set a midi control to start and stop it with midi footswitch?
If not it might be a good idea
Hi @Volker_Petersen,
the recording will be saved to a “recordings” folder which depends to your “Local Assets Folder”. You can change it here.
At the moment “Record Main Output” is not an Action, yet. Give us a second to think about it. We’ll return to you.
See you,
In case of rethinking the record function. It would be great if we can choose, which output should be recorded.
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We should be able to set record to file on every output as desired, it’s ok to record to the recording folder with files named after the output name!