I tried to use the vocoder of cubase pro 13. How can I record what I hear in the headphones? In the audio track is my original voice.
How do you feed the MIDI data into the vocoder? Is it already present on a MIDI track? If so, you can call Render in Place on the audio event containing your voice. I guess the vocoder is inserted on the corresponding track.
The rendered audio track should then contain the “vocoded” voice.
Another approach starting with Cubase 13 is to add an Audio Track and set its Input to the Vocoder’s (or a regular VSTi’s) Output. Not at Cubase to be more specific.
The vocoder is inserted in the midi track and in the audio track. I tried to do it like you said, but it copies only the audio track or when I change the settings it creates an empty track. Sorry, I doing something wrong.
What options are selected in the “Render in Place” settings? If it’s set to “Dry”, you only get a copy of the voice. One of the other options, like “full channel channel path” (or the like, I’m currently not at my PC), should work. If not, please post some screenshots where we can see your tracks and the corresponding channel settings in the inspector.
You are right. Choosing the first „dry…“ it makes only a copy. In all other cases it makes a silent track.
Ok, thanks for the screenshot. I guess, the activated monitoring (the orange speaker icon) is the issue. What happens if you deactivate it?
This is easier and produces more predictable results than Render In Place.
Nothing changed.
Thank you for this hint. I tried this, but when add the audio track it doesn’t give me the possibility to the Vocoder’s Output. Strange, during record I hear the vocoded voice in the headphones.