Recording Cc information

Up until last week, when recording vst instruments and simultaneously moving the faders on my controller, the fader movement would be recorded with the midi notes. Now the only way to record the cc messages is to arm the automation on the instrument.
Any reason this could happen. I can’t see why


Do you use any type of Quick Controls (Track Quick Controls, VST Quick Controls or Focus Quick Controls)? Or do you use MIDI Remote Device?

The faders move the quick controls on the track. They just dont tecord without me setting up an automation lane


What kind of controller do you use?

M audio oxygen 49


Do you use any MIDI Remote script?

I wouldnt know what that meant tbh.
Im fairly new to midi


Attach a screenshot of the Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Ports Setup, please.

Ill have to do that this eve when i get in, but many thanks for your help