Recording dry while hearing fx in cue send

I was under the impression i had set up control room right, but it looks like i’m still unable to hear fx on the armed track i intend to record vocals to. I’m using an apollo quad 8p with cubase 12 on a windows pc, by the way. Isn’t there a way that i can hear my vocal buss fx on the armed track without having to enable the monitoring button? When the monitoring button is on, regardless of how much of a monster build my computer is, i still get latency. Ideally, i was thinking that i could set up a headphone cue mix with control room, and be able to hear the fx, but record in with a dry signal. an example of this would be, to be able to hear the vocals with auto tune enabled, but to print everything dry. The purpose is just to get a great performance during recording and then apply the fx after. Please tell me this is possible in 2024.

one the uad console, set the headphones in cue mode and not mix, open the Cubase control room and create a headphone output, you can create a maximum of 4 headphone outputs, now enable your headphone output on the fx channel or channels you want to listen to in the headphones , you can also adjust the amount of fx you want to listen to in the headphones.