Red highlighted 3/4(q,1+1+1) above some bars

I’m using Dorico SE but getting red highlighted 3/4(q,1+1+1) above some bars.

Can you help me how to fix this? Thanks

Was this an XML import?

You’ve basically got “hidden” time signatures on every bar. You should be able to select one and then Edit > Select More one or more times to select them all, and then press delete.

Or Select All, and then Filter the Time Sigs (except for the first one!! – though you can reinstate the first one if you delete, and everything will be back to normal.)

Yes, exactly, it was a XML import.

How do I select these hidden time signatures?

Select the barline associated and delete.

You mean this way?

I meant the very first tim sig of the piece! You can delete that first signpost as well.

Once all the faulty barlines will be deleted, the first time signature will solve everything :wink: Keep deleting!


I’d deleted all time signatures.
Then I had added the time signatures. While doing this, the higher and lower staff got shifted:

One the left is the PDF scan of the piece. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong.

This is how it looked when I had deleted all time signatures:

Nevertheless, thanks for the help so far!

Now you can add the time signature you want at the start (shift-M 3/4) and all the barlines will reappear.
It also looks like you have some “ends voice” properties set which will hide subsequent rests.

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At this point you could click the first misplaced note in the lower staff, use Edit > Select To End Of Flow, and then use ALT/OPT + Arrow keys to move the misplaced upper staff notes into place. Then move to the next misplaced starting note and do the same from there.

As @Janus said, now you can input your 3/4 time signature and it will be perfect!
Tip: make sure in the Preferences>Import XML file that you untick everything. It’s the best way to have a clean dorico file. You might need to reattribute the instruments though (because a Piano imported in XML might trigger strange sounds, but if you Change instrument… to Piano from the instrument picker, the routing will then be perfect, according to the playback template that you use).