Is there any reason/easy fix to this problem of missing bar numbers inside the boxes? It seems to happen in groups like trumpets, FH’s and violins but nowhere else.
I certainly don’t experience the same problem! I suppose you should check out the settings for Paragraph Styles>Rehearsal marks. Make sure there’s a font!
yeah there’s a font, and I changed it and all it did was change the size of the rehearsal box. I changed the default sequence type to numbers instead of bar number and everything came back. Now this isnt a huge problem I’ll just keep it as rehearsal numbers instead of bar numbers and go about my day. But i do have some mixed meters in the piece; a 6/8 and 3/4 mixtures at the same time and I’m wondering if that can have an effect on measure numbers showing up since I did some copy and pasting from between the effected staves. I even created a new staff at the bottom and copy/pasted into the new staff with the mixed meters and the same problem occurred that bar numbers as rehearsal marking do not show up in the boxes.
Bug maybe?
Yes, that is probably the problem. Some instruments might have a different number of bars, which might make that Bar Numbers as Rehearsal Marks impossible (which I totally understand… Wouldn’t it be absurd to have a numer 18 at bar 20?)