Remember height of individual tabs [Lower Zone]

I wish Cubase could remember the height of the individual tabs in the Lower Zone. The height of the Key Editor isn’t necessarily the optimal size for the MixConsole or Chord Pads, for example.

Currently, when switching between tabs, everything stays the same size. In this case the the faders are unnecessarily filling my screen:

But if height was remembered per tab, then the size could stay more fitting for the content, like this:


Yes. Smart resizing based on content/context or last-used height on a per-editor or per-region basis would be a big step in the right direction.




An example with overly tall Chord Pads.



Steinberg, make it so!

+1 :bulb:

I kinda hoped for this in the 9.0.10 update but no such luck yet…

Since 9.0.20 also doesn’t have this and it probably isn’t on the road map at all, let me know if there are more people who run into this when using the Lower Zone.


Makes complete sense.

definitely! +1




Still no dice in 9.5.0.



Small but very useful improvement to avoid dragging again and again. Different tabs needs different amount of space.