Remote controlling a mixer live using Cubase and/or VST Live

Either I don’t know how to voice my question or nothing has been said to the following. Feel free to point me to the right post:
I’m interested in automating the mix of my band, since we are all playing along with a metronome. The lead singers change during the gig, and so do the instruments, too.
I wonder if I can use the automation tracks in Cubase to remote control an external mixer like the Yamaha DM3 or TF, i.e. to make its faders move accordingly, as the show progresses.
All I could find out so far is that mixers can receive cc messages to recall a scene. That’s not quite what I want, it seems a bit too static.
Also, it seems that every digital mixer can be used as a DAW remote control.
But is this possible the other way round?
Is there a possibility to use Cubase to remote control volume, eq or even gain stage dynamically during a live gig?
I can’t find anything related in the Behringer x32 or Yamaha DM3 manuals. Either it is obvious or not existent.
I would be glad to hear your input on this topic – Thank you in advance.

Generally, the Automation of Cubase can send any MIDI CC (Continuous Controller) data on any MIDI Channel to any MIDI Output Port. The extent to which the external devices can process these data depends on the MIDI CC implementation of these devices.

Behringer x32


Yamaha DM3
