New to SpectraLayers Element 6, I can not recuperate the default Cubase Pro’s Audio Editor. When I double click on an audio event, I always get the SpectraLayers editor and I’m stock with it. Is the option Remove Extension from selected Events allows to get back to the default Cubase Pro’s Audio Editor ? Just to make sure… It a bit an intimidating software. But so useful! Especially on acoustic guitar squish.
Thanks for your help!
Asus PC laptop, Windows 10, Cubase Pro 10.5
As nobody answered my question despite the 117 views, I will answer it myself. Yes, the option Remove Extension from selected Events allows to get back to the default Cubase Pro’s Audio Editor! Maybe the solution was too simple…
To remove Melodyne from an event, select it and choose Audio > Extensions > Remove Extensions from Selected Events. Alternatively, in the Info line, under “Extension”, just deselect Melodyne.
Third way of doing this:
Press the “remove event” button, then click the audio clip in the arrangement
“remove event” sounds scary, but it refers to removing the event from the extension (I guess)