I’ve created the preset which switches articulations when you press the Sustaining pedal , problem is the sustain pedal is also assigned to sustain by default. I can’t seem to find how to unassigned it from sustaining notes.
You have the option to filter out the incoming sustain pedal signal. It’s in the Main section of the Program/Layer.
thanks , I did find that but then my key switch via sustain pedal also stops working
I see. Maybe you could try to enable the Sus filter only for the individual layer but leave it disabled for the main program. It might work but it depends on the structure of your program (preset).
I know I encountered the same problem a couple of years ago but unfortunately I can’t remember exactly how I managed to solve it and at the moment I don’t have Halion installed on my system so I’m unable to test this scenario.
I have tried other layers , but just can’t seem to get one going without the other
You can try to turn off sustain in the trigger section instead of filtering it out.
Did you turn it off for all layers including program layer? It should stop sustaining the notes.
Yes i did , but then i cant use it as a midi Cc trigger .
Im trying to assign it to switch a layer on and off