Hey guys, I can’t find a way to remove additional created outputs on the new Drum Tracks - am I missing something? I’d usually do this in the VSTi page in the Right Zone, but drum tracks don’t show up there.
Hey guys, I can’t find a way to remove additional created outputs on the new Drum Tracks - am I missing something? I’d usually do this in the VSTi page in the Right Zone, but drum tracks don’t show up there.
In the Inspector, click on the Select multi-out Instrument return channel, bellow the Instrument name. Here, you can add or remove the Return Channels.
Hello Martin,
Thanks for your reply. That menu item does not exist on the new Drum Tracks.
Regular multi-out VSTi:
Drum Track:
The Output Routing on the drum tracks only handles a single audio output.
It’s looking like this is an actual oversight, no?
Sorry, I skipped this “Drum Track” information, while reading. How did you manage to add the Outputs, please?
No worries.
You right click a drum pad, then choose Assign Output:
Once an output is created by being assigned, there doesn’t seem to be a way to get rid of it. The outputs remain even if nothing is routed to it.
If you expand the drum track in the project window…like you do to see automation, you can then see the active outputs and right click and select remove track.
Hi, thanks for your response! I think what you’re describing only works for automation lanes, not multi outputs.
Multi output right click menu:
Automation right click menu:
Let me know if you think of something else, but it seems you just can’t do it as it stands
In the Channel View click on the marked icon.
In the pop-up window de-/select unwanted outputs by clicking in the other marked area.
This is the answer! Thanks so much Johnny. I’ve never had the Channel panel open before in years of using Cubase haha.
For people in the future with the same issue, you need to click here in the top right:
Then you can follow Johnny’s instructions.
Hopefully this setting will be accessible in more areas in the future.