Removing staff up to a certain bar to have single staff until grand staff required

Hi there,

I’m trying to remove a staff of a grand staff instrument until a grand staff is required at a certain point, but the only option I can find is to remove the staff after a certain point, where it only affects the music ahead of the change. I’ve tried fiddling around with Manual Staff Visibility changes but it seems to force a system break whenever I want to manual hide a staff at one point and then show it again at another resulting in 1 bar long page.

I essentially want the opposite of this

something like this (excuse the awful graphic representation)

Thanks so much for any help!

Once you have removed a staff, you can restore its visibility later by selecting the point in the remaining staff and doing add staff below.


My hero! Thanks a lot, so simple in the end haha, I thought there would be something like this.