It is handy, the presets.
Now I’m trying to get even more grown up, by saving the MIDI channels as Multi track presets, already pointing at the templates I know I will load into the VST Instrument rack. As long as load the VSTi preset is in the right “slot” on the VST Rack then I can in effect load “chunks” of tracks, ready named and pointing where I want.
(You see, VST Multi track presets are made by selecting a bunch of MIDI tracks, and then saving the preset (see inspector or right click). It remembers which slot in the VST rack they are pointing to, and which MIDI port of multi port VST3 instruments, eg VE Pro4.)
Sadly n one of the audio assignments are included in this, as it is only a MIDI track preset. We still need a way to merge MIDI tracks and the Instrument tracks on the mixer that come back from the instruments. Yes, we have Instrument tracks, but these are mono timbre only.
It would be great if Steinberg would recognise the amount of wasted time going on “hunting” for MIDI channels and sounds etc. They are in a dream if they think we can load up mono-timbral VST Instrument tracks and do any professional work.
People have been going on about multi channel VST Instrument tracks, but I can see the problem for Steinberg, that it raises logical questions that are hard to resolve. (EG who decides which output rom Kontakt, say belongs to which VST Instrument TRACK on the mixer.)
But a refinement (by Steinberg) of the track presets concept would be great. If we could have a multi preset that loaded up midi tracks AND inserted a VST Instrument on the VSTi rack, AND enabled a pre-determined number of audio outputs on the instrument, we would have real control.
Anyway, in the mean time I still have a physical note book on my desk.