Hey everyone,
So when rendering many regions at once I’ve found often that I really want the name of the file to inherit the name of the track or a different naming convention other than the stock function of render in place that inherits the name of the file to be render and appending master (R). What I’d really like is the ability to render with different naming conventions inside of the render panel. So that I could have many selections and regions rendered as block events but inheriting the name of the track or whatever I choose.
A second feature that would be great in the render in place function would be the ability to delete the rendering track and retain the signal path. As in if you render a full signal path through groups, the ability to retain that pathway and delete the track you just rendered. Since that is my main workflow is rendering in place then deleting the track, then retain the routing I initially had. Would be great to get something like this a little easier.
So to clarify. My workflow is:
Finish region track sound – render regions as block events with custom name – delete the origin track – rename the new generated track – fix the routing of the new track to go to correct group
what workflow I’d like in render in place
finish region track sound – select “name file as track name” select “delete origin track” select “maintain routing”
a dream scenario solution:
You finish an entire project and there is a function in export called “prepare for mastering” that bounces all regions, deletes all muted parts, renders all tracks in place, names the new generated files the name of the rendered track and renames the new track the same as the rendered track, deletes all of the rendering tracks, maintains the group routing by deleting the old groups and making new groups set at 0 with the same names, bounces fx channels and creates a new channel named the fx channel, and then does the already built in function of “backup project” and just names it the same name of the project but adds -master to the file name. Since in my workflow I like to bounce everything through the master bus when done for archive. And for future proofing the track in case I stop using certain plugins.
Just thinking out loud.
Thank you!