Renotate syncopation

Dorico wants to notate an eighth followed by a dotted quarter as in A. If I want it to look like in B, “Force Duration” works when entering in Dorico, but when importing a music XML, it always writes as in A. Is there a fast way to change it to B in imported files?

Yes: go to the Note Grouping page of Write > Notation Options, and towards the bottom of the Syncopation section, set ‘Notation of short dotted long patterns’ to ‘Split at beat boundaries’.


thanks for your answer. This works perfectly when in 4/4. Is there a way to make it work in cut time?


Ah, in cut time it’s not a syncopation, because it doesn’t cross a beat boundary.

You might find it useful to create a 4/4 time signature in the second bar and hide it with the ‘Hide time signature’ property, so that the syncopation option takes effect: then you only have to use Force Durations to fix the appearance of the first bar.


this is indeed the perfect workaround for the piece I’m working on. The pattern starts somewhere in the middle of the piece, so no need to use “Force Duration” anywhere. Thanks for your help, it is appreciated.
Perhaps it would be an idea for an update to allow this in cut time, just to make sure you don’t get bored …
