Reorder Status Bar elements

Hello my dudes!

I’m using Dorico a lot on transcription duty, which means two windows side by side (just resized views of Capo and Dorico), and working in a small computer screen (MacBook Air 13’) is otherwise perfect, but I can’t see the voice order properly in the Status Bar, since other elements (Concert pitch indicator, Bar number) take a huge amount of empty space before it.

I am not interested in seeing whether I am in concert pitch when only working with one system/instrument, which is piano, so I kindly ask you to consider hiding/reordering/resizing status bar elements!

I’ve attached a screenshot to demonstrate the issue.

Thank you kindly :slight_smile:

A useful request, I think! For now, two workarounds occur to me:

  • viewing voice colors
  • tiling the windows the other way, one above the other
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Oh, sure!

Haven’t really ever used voice colors, but here it makes a compelling case, especially with overlapping sections…

Thank you, Mark!