This may well be a issue with an XML conversion. I am editing a score imported from a Finale-generated XML file, and all of my left-hand repeat signs are only appearing on the top staff, even when I enter it on a different staff. They are not appearing at all in the lower instrument parts either, which is more of a problem. Thoughts?
This is after deleting the existing (incorrect) ones?
I delete the single-staff repeat sign, but every time I enter a new one, it appears at the top again.
No suggestions here, sorry. If you are happy to shorten the project etc I’d be happy to explore further for you.
You probably have an independent time sig, even if it looks the same as the others. If you click the time sig, do they all become selected or just the one on the top staff?
If it’s just the one, then it’s independent so delete it, then delete the repeat and re-input it. Note all the time sigs are now selected below:
There are no time signatures showing, as the repeat section starts in the middle of a 4/4 piece. But here’s a weird thing: if I turn off the “Hide time signature” selection at the point where I’m having repeat sign difficulties, all the staves show a 4/4 signature two bars earlier.
…and here’s another wrinkle: if I try to force the repeat sign in the organ part, it appears only on the top RH staff, in similar fashion to the full score. It’s as if there’s a checkbox somewhere indicating that all left-hand repeat signs should appear on the top staff of whatever layout I’m editing.
I’m almost positive you have independent time sigs happening. Select all, Edit / Filter / Time Signatures, then uncheck “Hide time signature”. Now that they are visible, delete all the time sigs and reinput. Delete the repeats and reinput. They should now be working correctly. If not, we’re gonna need to see a file. Just cut it down to a section with the erroneous single repeat and post it.
I think @FredGUnn is correct. If you have trouble doing this or it still doesn’t work, please upload a cutdown version of your project.
Well, that did it. Many thanks, all. What a strange mess that was; any thoughts about what was going on?
I think it’s just an XML anomaly.
Yes, XML imports can result in independent meters, despite everyone having the same meter. I don’t know why. Fortunately it’s just a matter of finding them and deleting them.
Yes, these imported XML files normally need editing. There are some procedures, which might help speeding the process up, one is selecting each clef in the very first bar and deleting it, Second is selecting the time signature and possibly deleting and re-entering it correctly. Third: do the same with the key signature. 4th: try to spot unexpected Tuplets, and delete the Tuplet - preferably using Insert Mode. 5) look through the signposts and see wether there is an unreasonable time signature change.