Replace Audio file in Montage - what am I doing wrong?

hmmmm…that doesn’t seem to change anything.

But it did make me look at the options when I Replace Audio File with a new clip with a different name.

On the import dialogue box there is a check box to copy the file to the montage folder - I unchecked this - so now the montage is referencing the file in my OneDrive folder, not a copy on my D: drive.

So I tried again to change the mix then replace the file in my montage - and back to the same problem - the file has changed, but Wavelab doesn’t see the new file. When I click edit source and look at the path in the File tab of WaveLab, it shows the correct path on OneDrive (C:\users<my username>\onedrive\mymusic<file name>)- but WaveLab hasn’t recognised that the file has changed.

WaveLab “does not know” OneDrive. I mean, WaveLab treats files the same regardless of where they’re stored. It’s actually the operating system and associated file drivers that handle file access and make storage locations appear seamless to applications. I’m not certain about the exact cause of your issue, but I suggest avoiding the use of audio files in WaveLab that are stored on OneDrive or any other cloud-based storage. Additionally, if performance is important, it may be best to avoid using files located on a local network, as these setups can significantly slow down performance compared to files stored on an SSD or, ideally, an NVMe drive.

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