Hi - I’m very new to WaveLab - but long time Cubase user.
I took the plunge on WaveLab 12 as part of the recent Steinberg Promo.
I have created an audio montage of six tracks - all great in terms of normalising and adding a bit of final polish with Master Rig.
My problem? I have updated one of the audio clips with a new mix. If I right click and select Replace Audio File or Go to Insert>Replace Audio file I can select the new version of the file (it has the same name). But the audio clip is still the old mix?
Are you sure?
There are two ways to replace audio material.
• One is from the Files Tool Window. In this case, all clips using that file are updated.
• The second method, is to replace the audio file used by a single clip (right click at the bottom of the clip).
In both cases, using WaveLab 12.0.40, this works OK here.
I think so. The new mix has a completely different intro.
The files I’m using to create the montage are on a folder on my OneDrive - I always save working mixes here so I can access anywhere.
When I create the Audio Montage I’m saving the montage on my local D: drive - so I understand that copies are made of the source files and they are now in a folder D:wavelab\audio - I can see that copies of the files are in that folder.
So - when I hit replace audio file (either right click or Insert>Replace audio file) I select the new mix on my OneDrive. But the clip in the montage still plays the file that is on my D: drive?
If I just copy the new mix to the D:wavelab\audio folder - then the montage plays the new mix - which is cool - but I kind of thought that Replace audio would do this without me copying files around using File Manager?
Is it perhaps just a visual thing? At one point, and it still might be this way, WaveLab does or doesn’t update the clip name depending on if the clip has been edited in length or not.
I would check the actual Files Tab to see which audio file the clip is pointing to, and then listen to it to see if it’s just a visual thing that the name isn’t updating.
The Replace option work pretty well and is designed to update a file in the audio montage without hassle so there must be some misunderstanding here.
No - definitely not a visual thing - it’s just playing the version on my D:drive instead of replacing with the mix on my OneDrive - the mixes are very differnt, but the files are exactly the same length and the same file name?
Hmm. I just read your more complex explanation of the file paths etc.
All I can say is that when I open an audio montage, and replace the file with a new version, it works as intended.
I don’t know enough about Windows or One Drive to say why it’s not working in your case, sorry. Maybe your file management scenario is confusing WaveLab.
@pmallett57 I strongly recommend not using file stored on OneDrive .
Indeed, this is a virtual file system. The file is in the cloud, and Windows (try) maintains a copy locally. Who know what data you really get? If the file is really on your local drive, you are at home.
Thanks Justin.
Yes maybe.
I do use One Drive all the time. The way I’m using it is the OneDrive folder is actually just another folder on my C: drive - that just happens to get backed up to the cloud as well?
OK - thanks PG.
OneDrive is a part of my Cubase work flow when I’m working on mixes and edits to preview - I just render straight from Cubase to OneDrive.
Then I always work on D: drive for final masters/edits, so maybe I just need to adjust my thinking.
Thanks for the help
It’s weird that I built the Montage from OneDrive in the first place with no problem - and it’s just the Replace Audio File is being impacted by One Drive??
There is nothing special with this command.
But as previously mentioned, you don’t know what OneDrive is doing behind your back when the file is on the cloud.
The One Drive thing is an issue/concern but reading your first post again…why not give the updated mix a unique name like v2, v3, etc? That might prompt something to work as it should instead of getting confused.
It sounds like One Drive is being lazy by not reporting the updated file to your local drive and therefor WaveLab.
I sometimes work on WaveLab projects/montages that are stored in Dropbox so I can move easily between my two main Macs and have no issues but One Drive sounds like it’s working differently than a Dropbox sync folder would.
The OneDrive folder is just a regular folder on my C: drive - the OneDrive part just uploads the file when it changes. Then it’s just a regular file again.
You would be correct that I may expect errors if I tried to use the file while OneDrive is syncing - but this is very clear when it is happening, and syncing is definitely not the cause of the issue here.
We run our whole business using OneDrive/SharePoint/Teams/Azure framework, like many businesses all over the world - it’s just not an issue nowadays with very fast broadband.
Too many variables for me to say. PG would have to weigh in.
With WaveLab 12, you can now have it make a copy of inserted/imported files to your “audio files” folder of the montage like Pro Tools and Logic Pro do.
As an older WaveLab user, I don’t work this way and always manually place the source files in the desired folder for WaveLab to reference and access directly…so I manage things more manually and it wouldn’t be possible for two files of an audio montage to have the exact same name.
There’s just many ways to do the same thing in WaveLab so I can’t comment on what’s going wrong here but when flies don’t have the exact same name, the feature works as intended so that’s all I can say from my experience.