Request and issues: Notehead sets with colors

After watching the tutorial video I was very exited about the new notehead set editor. I tried to make a new one in the category “Pitched” and noticed some unexpected behaviour there.

If you switch to category “Pitched” and press “New” you will get a new noteset in the category “Common”. I personally think it should default to the category selected on the left.

Different noteheads for New and New from selection
If you press “New” you get all the default noteheads like “noteheadBlack” and so on. If you press “New from selection” with “Pitched name noteheads” or “Figurenotes noteheads” selected, you get a completely different set of noteheads like “noteheadBlack (pitched)” and all “figureNote” variations.

Creating a new Pitched noteset from scratch is impossible
If I press “New” and change the category to “Pitched” no matter what I tried I couldn’t get the essential fields for “Pitch” that are available in the presets “Pitched name noteheads” and “Figurenotes noteheads”!

Besides that I would love to be able to create colored notehead sets like figure notes, e.g. E1 to G#1 black, A1 to C#2 brown, D2 to F#2 blue and so on (Guitar Colour System). Unfortunately color is not an option yet. It seems to be fixed in the figure notes glyphs/graphics or whatever it is.

Fair point, but you’re asking Dorico for a New set, so what happens to be in front of you is irrelevant. It puts the new set in Common because that’s the likeliest place you’ll want it. You can always use the dropdown in the right pane to move it to where you want.

Different noteheads for New and New from selection
If you press “New” you get all the default noteheads like “noteheadBlack” and so on. If you press “New from selection” with “Pitched name noteheads” or “Figurenotes noteheads” selected, you get a completely different set of noteheads like “noteheadBlack (pitched)” and all “figureNote” variations.

Yeah, if you start a New set you get a new set. If you start a New Set From Selection you get a new set based on whatever set is currently selected. I’m not sure how this is ambiguous.

Creating a new Pitched noteset from scratch is impossible
If I press “New” and change the category to “Pitched” no matter what I tried I couldn’t get the essential fields for “Pitch” that are available in the presets “Pitched name noteheads” and “Figurenotes noteheads”!

Indeed. You can always base a new Pitched noteset on the existing Pitched or Figurenotes note-sets.

Besides that I would love to be able to create colored notehead sets like figure notes, e.g. E1 to G#1 black, A1 to C#2 brown, D2 to F#2 blue and so on (Guitar Colour System). Unfortunately color is not an option yet. It seems to be fixed in the figure notes glyphs/graphics or whatever it is.

Though you can’t do this, you can apply colouring to notes after the fact. The filters aren’t really set up for this sort of thing, so rather than using Edit > Filter by Pitch… it’s probably quicker to marquee select notes, then go Edit > Filter > Notes And Chords (to unselect any other objects you’ve selected) then apply the colour from the bottom properties panel.

Not following you here. Why couldn’t he filter by pitch to select certain pitches and bulk-change their color?

You have a point. I assumed that the OP was asking for whole octaves to be one colour, and they’re not; they’re asking for a few pitches.
miki, it’s still a faff (because you have to input each pitch individually) but that method could work nicely, and would be much less open to error than doing it manually.

Bear in mind that if any notes change pitch after you’ve done the colouring you’ll need to manually change the colour.

I’m sorry. I see my post wasn’t detailed enough and misleading. I try to clarify.

I meant the list of available noteheads for the notehead set differs in the “Pitched” presets. Here are the available noteheads in “Figurenotes”:

And the ones you get if you create a “New” noteset:

As you can see they are completely different. It is not possible to transfer noteheads. So if you’d need some noteheads of the “Common” category and some of the “Pitched” category you would have to recreate them with “New notehead”.

What seems impossible is to create a new notehead that has the “Pitch” fields (above “Stem direction”) to specify the exact note that should have this notehead.

You have to create a notehead set based on one of the existing ‘Pitched’ sets to see the existing pitched notehead options.