Request for activation code Dorico SE 3.5

Hi, I wanted to install Dorico, but since my MacBook is a late 2011 model it can only run High Sierra (10.13.6), which is unfortunately outdated for Dorico SE 4. Since there isn’t a possibility to download Dorico SE 3.5 from the Steinberg website in order to get the correct activation code, I was thereby wondering if I could get an activation code for Dorico SE 3.5.

Kind Regards,

Welcome to the forum, Nolan. We can certainly help – I’ll send you an activation code in a private message.

Thanks Daniel!

Hi Daniel I have the same problem.
I’m trying to reinstall Dorico SE 3.5 in my mac Os, but the activation doesnt working.
Could send me the activation code?

Welcome to the forum, @lucascoutoxavier. Is there a reason why you need to reinstall Dorico SE 3.5? Dorico SE 5 is available and you can request a fresh license here:

Click the Get Dorico SE button to get started.


I’m already using Wavelab and Cubase on an old Mac and I’d like to use Dorico SE as well. But versions 4 and 5 are too recent (MacOS 10.12). Could you help me activate Dorico SE version 3.5? I can’t get an activation code for this version.

Best regards

Welcome to the forum, @thibvz. I’ll send you an activation code via private message.


I have a same problem… I didn’t get any email but Dorico SE 3 is keep asking me for the activation code. Could you also help me? Thank you!

Hi @alicetthebest, and welcome to the forum. Do you really need to run Dorico SE 3 (e.g. because you have a computer that can’t run the most recent version SE 5?), or is it just that you have got an older license and you’re trying to get it re-activated? If it’s the latter, I suggest you simply go to the main Dorico SE page and request the software anew: a license will be added to your account, and you can simply sign in to Steinberg Download Assistant using your Steinberg ID to download, install and activate it.

Currently I have a problem with Dorico SE 5 and Noteperformer. I tried to fix it for a day but it just doesn’t work for me. (Noteperformer just keep showing getting started page, not the mixer. Also there’s no sound when I playback.) So I want to try on order version that’s why I downloaded SE 3 but since I don’t have activation code I cannot even open SE 3 to check. Also I cannot find a menu/button that I can request new licence on Dorico SE page… Or couldn’t you please send the activation code for me?

We should really try to figure out the problem you’re having with NotePerformer with Dorico SE 5, so let’s work on that. Are you on Windows or macOS?

Hello all,
I am on a Mac running High Sierra and I am limited by what I can use right now, but I was hoping to run Dorico 3.5, but I don’t have an activation code. I would like to upgrade at some point when I get a new computer, but that will be some time. Is it possible to get an activation code for 3.5? Thank you for your attention.

I’m sorry. I meant Dorico 3.5 SE. Thank you

How can I get activation code for Dorico SE 5, it is supposed to be free right? I cannot make it work. Thanks!

Welcome to the Forum.

Got to the Dorico Website via

and there you find the button to get Dorico SE. You need to login using your Steinberg Account, the same you are using here.

Hi Daniel! I have the same exact problem as those below : ) Can I get activation code for Dorico SE 3.5
Best, David

I have desperately tried to download the 60-day trial version and continue to run into problems with authentication, passcodes, etc just trying to create a one-page template to be able to write. I don’t understand why it is so difficult to just get started. HELP !