Hi, I wanted to install Dorico, but since my MacBook is a late 2011 model it can only run High Sierra (10.13.6), which is unfortunately outdated for Dorico SE 4. Since there isn’t a possibility to download Dorico SE 3.5 from the Steinberg website in order to get the correct activation code, I was thereby wondering if I could get an activation code for Dorico SE 3.5.
Hi Daniel I have the same problem.
I’m trying to reinstall Dorico SE 3.5 in my mac Os, but the activation doesnt working.
Could send me the activation code?
Welcome to the forum, @lucascoutoxavier. Is there a reason why you need to reinstall Dorico SE 3.5? Dorico SE 5 is available and you can request a fresh license here:
I’m already using Wavelab and Cubase on an old Mac and I’d like to use Dorico SE as well. But versions 4 and 5 are too recent (MacOS 10.12). Could you help me activate Dorico SE version 3.5? I can’t get an activation code for this version.
Hi @alicetthebest, and welcome to the forum. Do you really need to run Dorico SE 3 (e.g. because you have a computer that can’t run the most recent version SE 5?), or is it just that you have got an older license and you’re trying to get it re-activated? If it’s the latter, I suggest you simply go to the main Dorico SE page and request the software anew: a license will be added to your account, and you can simply sign in to Steinberg Download Assistant using your Steinberg ID to download, install and activate it.
Currently I have a problem with Dorico SE 5 and Noteperformer. I tried to fix it for a day but it just doesn’t work for me. (Noteperformer just keep showing getting started page, not the mixer. Also there’s no sound when I playback.) So I want to try on order version that’s why I downloaded SE 3 but since I don’t have activation code I cannot even open SE 3 to check. Also I cannot find a menu/button that I can request new licence on Dorico SE page… Or couldn’t you please send the activation code for me?
Hello all,
I am on a Mac running High Sierra and I am limited by what I can use right now, but I was hoping to run Dorico 3.5, but I don’t have an activation code. I would like to upgrade at some point when I get a new computer, but that will be some time. Is it possible to get an activation code for 3.5? Thank you for your attention.
I have desperately tried to download the 60-day trial version and continue to run into problems with authentication, passcodes, etc just trying to create a one-page template to be able to write. I don’t understand why it is so difficult to just get started. HELP !