I’m in need of the following unpitched/pitched percussion instruments:
Slap Stick
Slide Whistle (I highly doubt this could be considered pitched… but I have been known to be wrong before)
Would it be possible to get these added to the next version of Dorico?
Just in case you’re not aware, you can already edit the instrument names of existing instruments to be whatever you like.
- Add some instruments to a player.

- Select the arrow to the right of each instrument, then click Edit Names… Then edit the names.

In the case of pitched percussion, your work is done.
In the case of unpitched percussion,
3. Do this.

4.Do whatever you like within the Edit Percussion Kit dialog. Ignore the fact that the instruments show in that dialog as Alfaia, Brake Drum and Flexatone (or whatever)

End result:

That’s a good work around, Leo. Thanks for the advice!
I’ll give it a shot later today.
Does anyone have a suggestion for notating Slide Whistle in this manner? I need to have it slide from a lower to a higher note on 2 successive quarter-note beats. (For, yes, a corny vaudeville effect.) I had no problem choosing 2 instruments I’m not going to use otherwise, a Whistle and a Ketuk, and placing them in a drum kit on a 5-line staff. So I have 2 x-head notes at different pitches on beats 2 and 3 (both with stems down, if that matters). But I can’t get a glissando line to connect them. Are there instruments I could have chosen that would have allowed this?
Hi @Rinaldo,
i think you can only put gliss. as ornament in pitched percussion staves, but you cannot put pitched percussion into kits. (please someone correct me if I am wrong).
Here are two possible options/alternatives (maybe there is another option that I have overseen?)
create new player, add an instrument (pitched percussion) with, for example, a Bass Xylophone (not in a kit), than change the player name and the instrument name accordingly. Then change the clef to percussion clef. (You can also create a new instrument definition with this properties, and save it in case you need it in future.). Now you are able to write the notes, and put a gliss. (as ornament) or a line.
create your percussion kit with the two notes. To create a line between the two notes go in the Line tool and choose Attach to rhythmic position for the start and the end.
Position it in Engrave mode.
(The playback in both cases is most likely not correct)
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@Christian_R Thanks so much for the detailed and thoughtful reply. Between your suggestions and one more that has occurred to me (faking it with a jazz Lift ornament), I should be able to work something out. You’ve been exceedingly helpful,
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