So it seems to be a nice and harmless feature request to be possible instead. Debate is always open, none decides when it is over.
I do. This pointless nagging is over for me. You’re muted now.
Edit: In my remark I should have included @am74. @Zalde shouldn’t take it personally
Point taken. A ‘solution’ could be to always let the h=52 win in these cases as that is the absolute marker. Or in general, if you input a metric modulation followed by text, to not let the metric modulation itself act as a tempo modifier but as plain text (in lieu of the option to put a glyph in the actual tempo text) and set the actual tempo in the Properties panel. But that’s simply thinking out loud, I know that’s not how Dorico does it right now (that’s what feature requests are for, right?) and I don’t know how difficult that would be to implement, but it would provide more flexibility in displaying metric modulations.
Honestly though, I was hesitant to even write this because of the negativity that followed. That was not my intention at all when I posted my initial reply in this topic. If my comment came across like pointless nagging, I apologize.
@Zalde Unfortunately this forum displays the post you reply explicitly only in certain cases. So the previous post is easily misinterpreted as the recipient, or one of the recent ones.
The last remark was for me not for you. I apologize also for this continue dismissive behaviour by some specific forum dwellers.
I am not a Dorico user, I am just a Dorico customer.
I am interested in some topics here.
I think that the best solution is for the developers just to extend the syntax so you can definitely command the metric change and the tempo change in a single popover string.
I do not know the correct syntax but imagine to put in the same string to be parsed the equation and the new tempo.
Best regards
But maybe at the 4th time someone at Steinberg will think “you know what, there are situations where we could be more flexible here, let’s think about this”.
The conflict here is that Dorico inserts the metric modulation as a tempo event in order to save the user from manually putting in a tempo change and then hiding it. This is almost always ‘a good thing’.
It would be an even better thing if we also had the option to insert metric modulations as text.
It would be even beterr-er if Dorico would allow more complex metric modulations without having to enter them as text anyway using a third party font.
It would be even-er better-er if those fonts were editable for different tuplet values.
The workaround for @MichaelGolz’s example is straightforward to be fair, as Janus indicates, the poco rit is one tempo item in the previous bar, the metric modulation is attached to the next downbeat, the h=52 is attached to something just after the downbeat and the whole lot aligned visually in Engrave Mode.
The workarounds for, say, Carter’s 1961 Double Concerto?..if you want to do it in Dorico you’ll be importing those metric modulations as graphics.
FWIW I agree that the composer’s marking does not wholly make sense here. The metric modulation could be omitted and the tempo instruction would be identical and arguably clearer.