Hi All,
I have changed my setup and now rather than using Live to process all ins and outs I am just using it to process certain effects and I’m having a Behringer Wing Rack (really nice mixer for the price) process the inputs. I got tired of situations like last month when I opened up the program and it reset every single input on every song to “NC” and I had to redo it all during a practice. At any rate, this is a good use case because I can use Live to process 4 stereo FX channels from the wing, send midi to the wing to trigger presets and also control all of our DMX presets for lighting etc.
What is bothering me, though, is that I’ve now had to change my inputs and outputs in the connections as I’m using a different sound card and different in and out names. But when I try to add a new stack (I’ve deleted all the prior ones but want to keep the same songs as they have the click/backing tracks/lighting commands, so I don’t want to start from scratch), it only allows me to choose outputs from my prior setup even though when I go into the connections setup it shows only the new ins and outs as I’ve programmed them. Is there any way to reset the ins and outs so I can start using the new outs? When I try to pick the output in the stack I create, it only shows ones that have since been deleted. I’d rather not start from scratch and recreate all the midi cues for the lights, etc. What am I missing?