Retrologue presets from Loot audio

I bought two libraries from Loot audio for Retrologue. They are actually a two different bunches of presets unlike a steinberg presets packed in the vstsound files. Is there a way to transform those presets into two lib files. My motivation is driven by the fact i cannot iterate my new presets the same way as steinberg presets. Annoying to search directory structures anytime I want next or previous sound, because the next and previous buttons do not include those new presets into its iteration list …Such primitive thing that makes me crazy !!!

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Is this not a question for the vendor from whom you purchased the libraries?

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No, I mean, if a common user as me has no chance to organize his presets into one library file, why any other vendor that sells his patches for retrologue should has that privilege ??? It seems thsi prilivelge is strongly for steinberg itself , what’s the pity .

It is true that Retrologue libraries can only be bundled into vstsounds by us (Steinberg). The toolchain is a bit unwieldy to be honest, so we do not publish this. Partners, selling their libraries through our store will, usually, get their presets bundled by us, as a service.
HALion.7 can create vstsound libraries, but only for HALion 7 and HALion Sonic 7. Building the library creator into Retrologue, would be overkill.

On the other hand, it should be no problem to quickly jump to the unbundled presets, just as with vstsound presets. As long as they are well tagged.
Just make sure that the files can be found. On macOS that would be:
~/Library/Audio/Presets/Steinberg Media Technologies/Retrologue
Don’t know about windows, from the top of my head, sorry.

Then set your Media Bay filter to “User”:

This will already narrow the search down, by excluding the Steinberg distributed Libraries.
Now enable, for example, the “author” attribute.

Search for the author you want and enable the filter.
Voila, only stuff from that author in your list.
To save you the hassle of doing this over and over, save your search as a search preset.

So even though you can not bundle up the presets into a vstsound, you can achieve similar results by using search and filter presets.

I hope this works with lootaudio/Xenos presets. If not, get in touch with them and ask to tag them properly, Or you could also tag them yourself.

Let me know if this helps you

thanx for your tips, unfortunately those presets are not tagged at all, they are divided into separate directories named like bass, pads and so on… So it looks the only working way is to tag them all by myself.

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Ouch, sorry to hear that and thanks for letting us know. I hope the work will pay good dividend for you, once you can navigate fast.

I forgot another cool speed navigation feature. You can save favorite folders in the preset browser.

yes, thank you for this too, My main goal is to achive unified access to steinberg and third party presets in retrologue, which means I filter f.e. pianos and i will get a list of all available pianos, doesn’t matter if from steinberg library or third party lib.