It would be great to have a visible button on the bottom row beside the transport bar, to show if Return to Start Position on Stop is activated or not.
I use a key command to switch between the two different modes many times a day, depending on what I’m doing. But the only way to quickly see if it is currently on or off, is by pressing the key command again to see what it changes into. A small button to show if it is on or off, would be much better.
I’m sorry if this has already been suggested 572 times.
Instead of a separate indicator button, how about having the PLAY button change color depending on if the Return to Start Postition on Stop is activated or not?
Might be an idea, however, you would have to remember which colour means what. A symbol might explain that better. However, an indicator on the STOP button itself might be an idea (makes more sense than the PLAY button, since this is about changing STOP modes).
Maybe they could add a “return” symbol so that the STOP button is either “Plain” STOP, or STOP AND RETURN. Or something like that. I’m just shooting from the hip here. But some kind of indicator, either way, would be nice.