Revitalizing the Scrub/Play Function: Bringing New Life to an Outdated Feature in Cubase

Cubase, you’re the best DAW on the market and we love you, but there’s always room for improvement.
The current Scrub/Play function is simply awful. Why does Play not work when I use the function in the middle of MIDI notes, but only from the beginning? It could be argued that this is how MIDI functions, triggering only from the start of the MIDI note, but NO! When we solo a track, everything is read perfectly, even in the middle of MIDI notes. I’ve recorded a short video demonstrating the issue and also showed how it could work, using a DAW where this is implemented well (and not just in that one).

By the way, I hope to see an updated ‘Play’ function in the Key Editor as well . And PLEASE, can we have this Play tool activated with just a hotkey like ‘ALT’ or ‘Shift’ (as it shown on a screenshot)? Switching from one tool to another isn’t comfortable. Thanks."

Video Explenation Google Drive Link: Scrub Play Issue.mp4 - Google Drive

Your chances to be heard might improve meaningfully, if you add the “feature-request” tag to your posts when asking for enhancements. This was already previously suggested by moderator @Martin.Jirsak in another thread you started.

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