Rewire in Cubase Elements 9

Is it possible to uninstall/disable Rewire in CE9? I prefer to work with separate programs, and did so until I was forced to reinstall my whole system. Now I have everything linked, and if i try starting any programs before CE9, i have no audio connections in Cubase!


You can just delete/remove the ReWire component.

Where do I find that? I’ve done a search for rewire and Windows finds nothing. Its strange because before the reinstall, I did find the rewire component and deleted it.


On Windows, as far as I know, you can find the component here:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Propellerhead Software\Rewire

You can also start Cubase and find where is the component in the Studio > More Options > System Component Information > Program Plug-ins. Here you can see the path.

I’ll try that later when I get home. One thing, Elements doesn’t have the Studio option.


Sorry, Elements have the Studio menu, but in Cubase 9 it was Devices instead of Studio. :wink:

Found the Propellerhead folder and deleted Rewire.dll. That worked great! I still don’t see why a search didn’t find any rewire files.

Anyway, thanks a lot, I’ve got my sanity back!


I’m glad you sorted it out.

Because Windows doesn’t search in these system folders by default.