Right button mouse click is not always available

is there a way that the right mouse click is always executed?

It works with Ableton, but it doesn’t work with Reaper and VST3PluginTestHost, neither in debug nor release mode.

This is how I integrated it

class WaveformView : public VSTGUI::CViewContainer

		WaveformView(const VSTGUI::CRect& size);
		void onMouseDownEvent(VSTGUI::MouseDownEvent& event)
			if (event.buttonState.isLeft())
				SMTG_DBPRT0("=====> WaveformView::onMouseDownEvent left \n");

			if (event.buttonState.isMiddle())
				SMTG_DBPRT0("=====> WaveformView::onMouseDownEvent middle \n");

			if (event.buttonState.isRight())
				SMTG_DBPRT0("=====> WaveformView::onMouseDownEvent right \n");

Most likely that’s because Reaper and the plugin test host implement the IContextMenu VST3 feature, while Live does not and the VST3Editor::onMouseEvent method will handle the right mouse click then.