RND Portico plug-ins issue.

There is still a problem with RND Portico plug-ins, 5033 EQ and 5043 Compressor v.1.1 and Cubase Pro 9. Last night I double clicked on the compressor output knob to input numbers there, “Cubase has stopped working”, frozen!

When (if ever) will there be an update, a fix, for this? This has been a known issue for quite sometime and should be sorted out, the plugin is very good (and expensive) except for this freezing issue…

Best Regards,


I will check shortly and report back, I almost did forget I own one of these :wink:

There is no output knob on the 5043 :wink: but I have checked both plug-ins now for a couple of minutes and no crash so far.
Is there a crash dump related to these crashes you could provide?

Something similar happens to me also:
Since Cubase 9 the “latest” version of 5043 Compressor seems not to be really stable anymore - it will crash Cubase sometimes when loading the plugin…

Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 9\Cubase9.exe

Problemereignisame: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: Cubase9.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 587f3618
Fehlermodulname: RND_Portico_5043.vst3
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4e83ff97
Ausnahmecode: c0000005
Ausnahmeoffset: 000000000005ff33
Betriebsystemversion: 10.0.14393.
Gebietsschema-ID: 3079
Zusatzinformation 1: 7db6
Zusatzinformation 2: 7db6c712cebf1bf9ff1fead1bb60fefe
Zusatzinformation 3: 809f
Zusatzinformation 4: 809f7c6addbde5bd80d2937be02d9a21

Weitere Informationen über das Problem
Bucket-ID: e54cf32ec72b8c28e98aa65a429e4a58 (120715387909)

Hallo, könnten wir dazu mal den kompletten Crashdump mit Systeminformationen und Fehlerbeschreibung über das Support-Formular in MySteinberg erhalten?
Wir schauen uns das dann mal an.

Die Crashdumps liegen normalerweise hier:

Hi Ed Doll,

Ist im Ticket #22863 hinterlegt (WER-File)- hoffe es hilft.
