Hi folks,
I’m trying to set up a Roland FA-08 to use with Cubase 12. I want to load the patch list (text document) for the FA-08. I have download the text file from Roland’s patch script creator and placed it in the “inactive/roland” folder within Cubase’s folder structure. But when I go to “Midi device manager” and “install new device”, the FA-08 does not show up in the list.
If I try to “import setup”, Cubase looks for an xml file.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
If anyone ever got around to solving this I would love to know. feels so clunky not being able to call up patches from inside the software.
Michael - FA08.zip (39.4 KB)
I’ve seen this problem before - usually there is a problem with the generated script. Attached is one that I wrote manually for the FA-08. I’ve been using it for a couple of years with no issue.