I have a problem with the Roland Fantom 6, using vst live changes from vst live to the fantom, specificly scene switches.
When the switch is automated, zone 1 on the Fantom stops all sound. No matter what i try, same result. This is what MIDI OX reads, compared to the settings in vst live
I have no idea if this is readout is correct, but the switch settings (msb-lsb-prog change) should be ok. In cubase it works (msb-CC0-85, LSB-CC32 and prog change)
Looks correct (20 hex = 32 decimal, 55 hex = 85 decimal).
When exactly does the hiccup occur? If you switch either PGM CHG or Bank Select settings manually, does it happen? Or only when transport is activated and a Part is switched automatically? So, what exactly are you doing when it happens?
Hi. I narrowed it down to a transport message that is sent by VST live when pressing start and/or stop.
This causes zone1 on the Roland fantom to stop working. These are the only messages i don’t get from cubase when i do this on cubase
What are they and how do i stop them from being transmitted?
can you check your “Transport / Preferences” setting? (Menu / Edit / Preferences…)
Entry : “MIDI Clock Output” - Do you have assigned an Output? Continue, Stop Messages will be send there …
Midi clock wasn’t the issue (allthough it also changed the scene somehow, but i needed it for delay settings etc), but MTC output was the problem!
Thank you for putting me in the right direction