Sample trak cubase

Hola, tengo algún sample trak creado en cubase ,pero si abro en vst live el padshop no me salen los sonidos creados en cubase ,alguien me puede decir si se me escapa algo , gracias.
Y por último se puede mapear controladores midi como en cubase aún no he metido horas, gracias.

… it’s easier for us to use the english language for conversation. I used the spanish-english translation to understand your text. I try : It sounds that you have started to export your Cubase project to VST Live. The Sampler Tracks are working, correct? But Padshop shound are not working, correct? Are those Padshop tracks Instrument Tracks? Only those tracks are working at the moment. And something about MIDI Controllers?


Hello, my sounds created in Cubase sample trak and exported to Padshop in vst live are not there, but I do have them in Cubase. Thank you

I have tried this …

  1. Start Cubase, New Project, Add Sampler Track and add a sample to it
  2. Use the Sampler Track control to “Transfer to Padshop 2”
  3. An Instrument Track with Padshap will be created and the sound of the Sampler Track will be converted to a Padshop preset.
  4. Use “File / VST Live… / Export Project…”
  5. Start VL, New Project and Import the exported Media Project from [4]

All is fine. Both Tracks are there. All sounds are correct. What am I doing wrong?

See you,

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